- We welcome a new postdoc Guoqiang Hou and the first PhD student in our lab, Yun... 2018-09-06
- Fengling joins our lab for her postdoctoral training! 2018-06-06
- Yongmei joins our lab for her postdoctoral training! 2018-04-06
- Dinghong obtains a postdoc position in UCSD! Congratulations! and wish you all t... 2018-03-06
- Thanks for the wonderful lectures form Dr. Weizhi Sun and Dr. Wenliang Lei! 2018-03-06
- Wenyu joins our lab as a assistant investigator! 2018-01-06
- We host the “International Drug Addiction Symposium” at SIAT in Shenzhen ! 2018-01-06
- Gaowei and Jinhui join our lab as visiting students. 2017-12-06
- Kuikui has been awarded a grant from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. 2017-10-06
- Dinghong joins our lab as a assistant investigator! 2017-10-06
- Welcome Xiong Liu as a research assistant in our lab! 2017-08-06
- The Zhu lab starts up! 2017-07-06
- Na and Kukui join the team! 2017-07-06